Attorney List USA has given you the freedom of choice to add almost anything, unlike any other listing directory!
Please take your time and refer to our help sections when filling out our comprehensive listing form.
No nonsense:
Listings can be updated or changed anytime.


1. Copy your Yelp or Trip Advisor listing url and hit enter. Wait till finished. 


2. Not all Yelp listings will import. This is due to Yelp. Attorney List USA is designed to be more comprehensive giving you more display options for your listing pages.


(Important) Fill in or correct any missing details and be sure to lock your business location to the map, by hitting the (SET ADDRESS ON MAP) button.
1. (Sign in to Google with using the Connect button. After you connect you will be given a key.


2. Enter Key in the box and (Click Authorize)


3. Select your business listing from the dropdown and (Click import) and wait until finished.


(Important) Fill in or correct any missing details and be sure to lock your business location to the map, by hitting the (SET ADDRESS ON MAP) button.
By default, for service area businesses only, the street address portion is hidden from view on every listing page. However, it is not hidden from source code.


For a completely private address listing choose between Option 1 or Option 2 below.


Both methods below will allow your business to be found in search results for Geo location.







Address not found is usually due to adding suite # number on address line 1.


1. Remove the suite number from address line 1.


2. Enter Suite # or other on line 2.


SUITE Ste or Suite


Enter your suite numbers or other exactly how it would appear from the post office.
You can upload up to 20 images any aspect ratio however, for best results 16:9 aspect ratio is recommended.


16:9 examples: (1920×1080) (1024×576)


(800×450) is Recommended! ✓


Once all your images are uploaded you can arrange your images in any order.
Owner or Author


If you are the business owner or representative (Mark your listing as Claimed)


We encourage others to post their favorite business or websites. Anyone can post a business or listing.


If you are the Author please leave the Business Owner/Associate? option(unchecked).


Select “I am a listing Author” from the listing status question.


Until a listing is claimed you will have full control over it until it is claimed by the business owner.


Anyone can post a business on attorneylistusa. just do not claim a business you do not own and are not the legal representative for.


All images must be G Rated!


You agree to not defame the character of any business with fraudulent statements or misinformation, contained within the listing, you are submitting on this website. Defamation of character is when someone else spreads untruths that hurt someone else’s character. The two types of defamation are libel and slander. … Both libel and slander are unlawful and we will not tolerate such acts.


If you have good intentions when posting a listing then that’s awesome! We do not want bad businesses listed on here anyway. So please do not abuse others or this website!


Owner or Author


If you are the business owner or representative (Mark your listing as Claimed)


We encourage others to post their favorite business or websites. Anyone can post a business or listing.


If you are the Author please leave the Business Owner/Associate? option(unchecked).


Select “I am a listing Author” from the listing status question.


Until a listing is claimed you will have full control over it until it is claimed by the business owner.


Anyone can post a business on attorneylistusa. just do not claim a business you do not own and are not the legal representative for.


All images must be G Rated!


You agree to not defame the character of any business with fraudulent statements or misinformation, contained within the listing, you are submitting on this website. Defamation of character is when someone else spreads untruths that hurt someone else’s character. The two types of defamation are libel and slander. … Both libel and slander are unlawful and we will not tolerate such acts.


If you have good intentions when posting a listing then that’s awesome! We do not want bad businesses listed on here anyway. So please do not abuse others or this website!

1. Depending on the time of year use the charts below to find your UTC.

(Standard Time)

November – March
















(Daylight Savings)

March – November
















2. Type your UTC- ? In the Red time zone box and select the nearest location to you!

1. Add videos from any website that provides video embed sharing codes.


2. Almost all video upload websites such as Brighteon, YouTube etc. will have a share video option.


3. If the URL does not display the video follow the example images shown below to use iframe embed codes.


See help images




1.  Attorney List USA contact forms protect your physical e-mail address from being visible. Your email is also hidden from source code blocking data harvesting.


2. Contact form submissions you receive go directly to the email filled in on this form. Your e-mail address remains private unless you correspond.


3. For added email privacy protection, only logged in members can contact your business thru listing contact forms.


4. (Listing Authors) Please leave the email field blank if you are not the business claimant and make sure your listing status is set to author.


5. Only Business Owners or Authorized Representatives should fill in the email field.


Report any members sending spam messages to you!
Attorney List USA uses contact forms to keep your email address safe on your listing from data harvesting.

Attorney List USA supports the following
URL or Iframe embed options

  • Amazon
    List Products by URL
  • Animoto
    Use URL for Videos
  • Bandcamp
    Use Player Embed
  • Brighteon
    Use Embed Code
  • Cloudup
    Use URL for Video
  • Dailymotion
    Use URL for Video
  • FaceBook Page
    Javascript SDK
  • Mixcloud
    Use Player Embed
  • Reddit
    Use URL for Posts
  • ReverbNation
    Use Player Embed
  • SoundCloud
    Use Player Embed
  • Speaker Deck
    Use URL
  • Spotify
    Use Player Embed
  • TED
    URL or Embed Code
  • Tumblr
    Use URL
  • Twitter
    Use Embed Code
  • VideoPress
    URL or Embed
  • Vimeo
    Video URL or Embed
    URL or Embed
  • YouTube
    Video URL or Embed
Alternatively, all legitimate iframe embed codes should work on Attorney List USA
If an embed code does not work, it means the supplying website has disabled sharing.

Simple Facebook page embed.

1. Copy code in box.

2. Paste code in FB box.

3. Replace /LegalListUSA/

4. With your FB link name.

					<div style="text-align:center"><div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-tabs="timeline" data-width="450" data-height="800" data-small-header="false" data-adapt-container-width="true" data-hide-cover="true" data-show-facepile="true"></div></div>
Text Tab must be in Text mode when entering any type of embed codes!

Simple Twitter page embed.

1. Copy code in box.

2. Paste code in FB box.

3. Replace /LegalListUSA/

4. With your Twitter link name.

					<div style="text-align:center"><a class="twitter-timeline" data-width="500" data-height="800" data-theme="light" href=""></a></div>

Text Tab must be in Text mode when entering any type of embed codes!